Amazon Quietly Builds Publisher-Focused Ad Product Team to Grow Ad Business

Amazon Quietly Builds Publisher-Focused Ad Product Team to Grow Ad Business

Amazon is quietly building a new team to develop its own supply-side platform (SSP) for its own properties. This move is a sign of Amazon's growing ambition in the advertising space, and it could pose a threat to Google's dominance in the market.

An SSP is a software platform that allows publishers to sell their ad inventory to advertisers. Amazon currently uses a third-party SSP for its own properties, but the company is now building its own in-house solution. This will give Amazon more control over how its ad inventory is sold, and it could help the company to generate more revenue from advertising.

Amazon's new SSP is still in the early stages of development, but the company has already posted job listings for several key positions, including a software engineer, a product manager, and a marketing manager. These job listings suggest that Amazon is serious about its new SSP, and it could be ready to launch in the near future.

Amazon's entry into the SSP market is a major development for the advertising industry. Google is currently the dominant player in the SSP market, but Amazon's entry could shake things up. Amazon has a lot of resources to invest in its SSP, and it could offer publishers attractive terms that could lure them away from Google.

In addition to building its own SSP, Amazon is also making other moves to expand its advertising business. The company recently acquired the ad tech company Sizmek, and it is also investing in its demand-side platform (DSP). These moves suggest that Amazon is serious about becoming a major player in the advertising market.

Amazon's growing ambition in the advertising space is a cause for concern for some people. Amazon is already a dominant force in e-commerce, and it has the potential to become a dominant force in advertising as well. This could give Amazon too much power in the online marketplace, and it could stifle competition.

It is important to watch Amazon's moves in the advertising space closely. The company has the potential to disrupt the market and change the way we interact with online advertising. It is also important to monitor Amazon's antitrust practices. The company has been investigated by regulators in the past for anti-competitive behavior, and it is important to ensure that Amazon does not abuse its power in the advertising market.

Amazon Sheds Private-Label Brands to Reduce Antitrust Exposure

In other news, Amazon is shedding most of its private-label brands in an effort to reduce its antitrust exposure and cut costs. The company will cut 27 of its 30 private-label brands, and it will keep Amazon Essentials, Amazon Collection, and Amazon Aware.

Private-label brands are those that are owned and sold by a retailer. Amazon has been accused of using its market power to favor its own private-label brands over those of its competitors. This has led to antitrust investigations in the United States and Europe.

By shedding most of its private-label brands, Amazon is hoping to reduce its antitrust exposure. The company is also hoping to cut costs. Private-label brands can be expensive to develop and market. By cutting these brands, Amazon can save money and focus on its core retail business.

It is unclear what impact Amazon's decision to shed its private-label brands will have on the company's advertising business. Amazon's private-label brands generated billions of dollars in advertising revenue last year. However, it is possible that Amazon will be able to generate similar levels of advertising revenue from its remaining private-label brands.

It is also possible that Amazon will make up for the loss of advertising revenue from its private-label brands by expanding its advertising business in other areas. For example, Amazon could invest more in its DSP and SSP. The company could also acquire more ad tech companies.

Only time will tell what the impact of Amazon's decision to shed its private-label brands will be on the company's advertising business. However, it is clear that Amazon is making some significant changes to its advertising strategy. The company is clearly looking to expand its advertising business and become a major player in the market.

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