How to stop ChatGPT from crawling your website: A guide for publishers

How to stop ChatGPT from crawling your website: A guide for publishers

In the age of artificial intelligence (AI), it is more important than ever for publishers to protect their content. One way to do this is to prevent AI bots from crawling your website and scraping your content.

AI bots are computer programs that automatically browse the web to collect information. While some AI bots are used for legitimate purposes, such as search engine indexing, others are used for malicious purposes, such as scraping content or launching denial-of-service attacks.

If you are concerned about AI bots scraping your content, there are a number of things you can do to stop them. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to prevent GPTBot, the web crawler used by ChatGPT, from crawling your website.

What is AI training?

AI training is the process of teaching an AI system to perform a task. This is done by feeding the system a large amount of data and allowing it to learn from it.

One way to train an AI system is to use a technique called machine learning. Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that allows software applications to become more accurate in predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine learning algorithms use historical data as input to predict new output values.

Deep learning is a type of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to learn from data. Artificial neural networks are inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. They are made up of interconnected nodes that process information and learn from each other.

Why should publishers be concerned about AI training?

AI training can pose a threat to publishers because AI systems can be trained to generate content that is very similar to human-generated content. This means that AI systems could be used to create fake news articles, plagiarize original work, or even generate spam.

How to stop GPTBot from crawling your website

To stop GPTBot from crawling your website, you can add the following code to your robots.txt file:

User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /

This will tell GPTBot that it is not allowed to crawl any pages on your website.

If you only want to block GPTBot from crawling certain pages on your website, you can add the following code to your robots.txt file:

User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /directory-1/
Disallow: /directory-2/

This will tell GPTBot that it is not allowed to crawl the pages /directory-1/ and /directory-2/.

Once you have added the code to your robots.txt file, you need to upload it to the root directory of your website.

How to test that GPTBot is blocked

Once you have added the code to your robots.txt file, you can test that GPTBot is blocked by using a robots.txt testing tool. There are a number of different robots.txt testing tools available online, such as Logeix.


By following the steps above, you can prevent GPTBot from crawling your website and scraping your content. This will help to protect your content from being used for malicious purposes.

Additional tips

In addition to blocking GPTBot, there are a number of other things you can do to protect your content from AI scraping:

  • Use a content delivery network (CDN) to deliver your content. A CDN can help to reduce the load on your server and make it more difficult for AI bots to scrape your content.
  • Use watermarking to insert hidden information into your content. This can help to identify your content if it is scraped and used without permission.
  • Use a reverse proxy to hide your server's IP address. This can make it more difficult for AI bots to find and scrape your content.

By following these tips, you can help to protect your content from AI scraping and keep your website safe.

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