What is the difference between CPM and RPM?

What is the difference between CPM and RPM?

In the world of digital advertising, there are a lot of different terms and acronyms that can be confusing for beginners. Two of the most important terms to understand are CPM and RPM. While they might sound similar, they are actually very different metrics that are used to measure different things. In this article, we will dive into the details of CPM and RPM, explain the differences between the two, and help you understand when and how to use each metric.

What is CPM?

CPM stands for “Cost per Mille,” which is Latin for “cost per thousand.” In digital advertising, CPM is a metric used to measure the cost of displaying an ad one thousand times. In other words, it’s the amount that an advertiser pays for every thousand impressions that their ad receives. CPM is used primarily in display advertising, where advertisers pay to have their ads shown on websites, social media platforms, or other digital properties.

The formula for CPM is simple:

CPM = (Total Cost / Total Impressions) x 1000

For example, if an advertiser pays $10,000 for an ad campaign that receives 1 million impressions, the CPM would be calculated as follows:

CPM = ($10,000 / 1,000,000) x 1000 = $10

So in this example, the advertiser is paying $10 for every thousand impressions their ad receives.

CPM is a common metric used in digital advertising because it allows advertisers to compare the cost of advertising across different platforms and ad types. For example, an advertiser might compare the CPM of a Facebook ad to the CPM of a banner ad on a website to determine which one is more cost-effective.

What is RPM?

RPM stands for “Revenue per Mille,” which is similar to CPM in that it measures the revenue earned per thousand impressions. However, RPM is used to measure the revenue earned by the publisher of the content, rather than the cost paid by the advertiser. In other words, RPM is a metric used by publishers to measure how much money they are making from their advertising.

The formula for RPM is also simple:

RPM = (Total Revenue / Total Impressions) x 1000

For example, if a website earns $10,000 in advertising revenue from 1 million pageviews, the RPM would be calculated as follows:

RPM = ($10,000 / 1,000,000) x 1000 = $10

So in this example, the website is earning $10 for every thousand pageviews that contain ads.

RPM is an important metric for publishers because it allows them to measure the effectiveness of their advertising strategy. By tracking RPM over time, publishers can determine which types of ads are generating the most revenue and make adjustments to their strategy accordingly.

What is the difference between CPM and RPM?

While CPM and RPM might sound similar, they are actually very different metrics that are used to measure different things. The main difference between the two is that CPM measures the cost paid by the advertiser, while RPM measures the revenue earned by the publisher.

CPM is primarily used by advertisers to determine the cost-effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. By comparing the CPM of different ad types or platforms, advertisers can make informed decisions about where to invest their advertising dollars.

RPM, on the other hand, is used by publishers to measure the effectiveness of their advertising strategy. By tracking RPM over time, publishers can determine which types of ads are generating the most revenue and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Another key difference between CPM and RPM is the way that they are calculated. CPM is calculated by dividing the total cost of an advertising campaign by the total number of impressions received. RPM, on the other hand, is calculated by dividing the total revenue earned by the publisher by the total number of impressions generated. This means that CPM is a cost metric, while RPM is a revenue metric.

It's important to note that CPM and RPM are not always directly related. For example, an advertiser might pay a high CPM for an ad that generates a low RPM for the publisher, if the ad is not very effective in generating clicks or conversions. Conversely, an advertiser might pay a low CPM for an ad that generates a high RPM for the publisher, if the ad is highly effective in generating clicks or conversions.

When to use CPM

CPM is a useful metric for advertisers who are looking to compare the cost of advertising across different platforms or ad types. By calculating the CPM of different advertising campaigns, advertisers can make informed decisions about where to invest their advertising dollars. For example, if an advertiser finds that the CPM for Facebook ads is significantly lower than the CPM for banner ads on a particular website, they may decide to shift more of their advertising budget to Facebook.

CPM can also be used to estimate the cost of a particular advertising campaign before it is launched. By calculating the CPM of a similar campaign that has already been run, advertisers can estimate the cost of the new campaign and make adjustments to the budget accordingly.

When to use RPM

RPM is a useful metric for publishers who are looking to optimize their advertising strategy and maximize their revenue. By tracking RPM over time, publishers can determine which types of ads are generating the most revenue and adjust their strategy accordingly. For example, if a publisher finds that ads with video content are generating a higher RPM than ads without video content, they may decide to focus more on video ads.

RPM can also be used to measure the effectiveness of different ad placements on a website. By comparing the RPM of ads placed in different locations on a webpage, publishers can determine which ad placements are generating the most revenue and make adjustments to their website design accordingly.


In conclusion, while CPM and RPM might sound similar, they are actually very different metrics that are used to measure different things. CPM is used by advertisers to determine the cost-effectiveness of their advertising campaigns, while RPM is used by publishers to measure the effectiveness of their advertising strategy and maximize their revenue. Understanding the differences between CPM and RPM is important for anyone involved in digital advertising, whether you are an advertiser, publisher, or digital marketer. By understanding these metrics and how they are calculated, you can make more informed decisions about your advertising strategy and optimize your results for maximum impact.

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