Maximizing Ad Revenue and User Experience with OutOfPage Ad Units in Ad Manager

Maximizing Ad Revenue and User Experience with OutOfPage Ad Units in Ad Manager

Online advertising is an essential component of revenue generation for most websites, and ad units are an important tool for publishers to monetize their online presence. Advertisers, on the other hand, use ad units to promote their products and services to targeted audiences. OutOfPage ad units, also known as outstream or overlay ads, are an innovative ad format that can help publishers and advertisers achieve their objectives. This article will explore what OutOfPage ad units are, how they work, and the benefits they offer.

What is an OutOfPage Ad Unit?

OutOfPage ad units are a type of ad format that is displayed outside of the main content area of a website. They can be triggered by user actions such as clicking on a link, scrolling down a page, or hovering over an element. OutOfPage ad units are designed to be more attention-grabbing than traditional ad formats and can be displayed in a separate window or pop-up.

How OutOfPage Ad Units Work

OutOfPage ad units are created using JavaScript or other programming languages to dynamically create and display ad content. These ad units can be triggered by user actions such as clicking on a link or hovering over an element.

When an OutOfPage ad unit is triggered, the ad content is displayed in a separate window or pop-up. This means that the ad unit does not compete with other content on the page, making it more effective at capturing a user's attention. OutOfPage ad units can be displayed on desktop and mobile devices and can be targeted to specific user segments based on factors such as location, browsing behavior, and interests.

Benefits of OutOfPage Ad Units

There are several benefits of using OutOfPage ad units, both for publishers and advertisers:

  1. Increased Revenue: OutOfPage ad units typically offer higher CTRs and revenue than traditional ad formats. This is because they are more attention-grabbing and less likely to be ignored by users.
  2. Improved User Experience: Because OutOfPage ad units do not compete with other content on the page, they can improve the overall user experience of your website. This can lead to higher engagement and more repeat visitors.
  3. More Targeted Advertising: OutOfPage ad units can be targeted to specific user segments based on factors such as location, browsing behavior, and interests. This can make the advertising more relevant to users and increase the likelihood of clicks and conversions.
  4. Flexibility: OutOfPage ad units can be used in a variety of ways, such as displaying video content, images, or text. This flexibility allows publishers and advertisers to experiment with different types of content and formats to determine what works best for their audience.

Types of OutOfPage Ad Units

There are several types of OutOfPage ad units that publishers and advertisers can use to achieve their objectives:

  1. Interstitial Ads: Interstitial ads are displayed between content pages or as a full-screen ad after a user clicks on a link. These ads are typically displayed for a short period, such as a few seconds, before allowing the user to continue with their browsing.
  2. In-Image Ads: In-image ads are displayed when a user hovers over an image on a website. These ads can be displayed as an overlay or pop-up and can be used to promote products or services related to the image content.
  3. In-Video Ads: In-video ads are displayed before, during, or after video content on a website. These ads can be used to promote products or services related to the video content or as a way to monetize video content.
  4. Lightbox Ads: Lightbox ads are displayed when a user clicks on an element on a website, such as an image or a link.
  5. Floating Ads: Floating ads are displayed on the page and follow the user as they scroll down the page. These ads can be used to promote products or services and can be displayed in a variety of formats, such as text, images, or video.
  6. Peel Ads: Peel ads are displayed as a small tab on the corner of the screen that the user can click on to reveal a larger ad. These ads can be used to promote products or services and can be displayed in a variety of formats.
  7. Pop-Up Ads: Pop-up ads are displayed in a separate window or tab when a user clicks on a link or button. These ads can be used to promote products or services and can be displayed in a variety of formats.
  8. Slider Ads: Slider ads are displayed at the bottom of the screen and slide up as the user scrolls down the page. These ads can be used to promote products or services and can be displayed in a variety of formats.

Best Practices for Using OutOfPage Ad Units

When using OutOfPage ad units, it is important to follow best practices to ensure that they are effective and do not negatively impact the user experience. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Ensure that the ad content is relevant to the user: Target OutOfPage ad units to specific user segments based on factors such as location, browsing behavior, and interests to ensure that the ad content is relevant and valuable to the user.
  2. Avoid using too many OutOfPage ad units: Using too many OutOfPage ad units can be overwhelming and negatively impact the user experience. Use OutOfPage ad units strategically and sparingly to ensure that they are effective.
  3. Use high-quality creative: Use high-quality creative, such as images and video, to make your OutOfPage ad units more attention-grabbing and effective.
  4. Test different types of OutOfPage ad units: Experiment with different types of OutOfPage ad units to determine what works best for your audience and objectives.
  5. Monitor performance: Monitor the performance of your OutOfPage ad units regularly to ensure that they are effective and not negatively impacting the user experience.


OutOfPage ad units are a powerful tool for publishers and advertisers to monetize their online presence and promote products and services to targeted audiences. They offer a variety of benefits, including increased revenue, improved user experience, more targeted advertising, and flexibility. By following best practices and experimenting with different types of OutOfPage ad units, publishers and advertisers can optimize their use of this innovative ad format and achieve their objectives.

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