Programmatic Deals in Ad Manager: A Comprehensive Guide to the Different Types and Benefits

Programmatic Deals in Ad Manager: A Comprehensive Guide to the Different Types and Benefits

Programmatic advertising is a growing trend in the advertising industry, as it offers a more efficient and cost-effective way of buying and selling advertising inventory. Programmatic advertising is an automated process of buying and selling advertising inventory through software platforms that use algorithms to make buying decisions in real-time. Ad Manager is one such platform that offers different types of programmatic deals to its users. In this article, we will discuss the different types of programmatic deals in Ad Manager, their benefits, and how they can be used to optimize your advertising campaigns.

  1. Open Auction

The open auction is the most common type of programmatic deal in Ad Manager. It is an automated bidding process that allows multiple advertisers to bid on the same ad inventory in real-time. The highest bidder wins the ad impression, and the ad is displayed to the user. Open auctions are ideal for advertisers who want to reach a large audience and are willing to pay the highest price for the ad impression. Open auctions are also beneficial for publishers as they can maximize their revenue by selling their ad inventory to the highest bidder.

  1. Private Auction

Private auctions are similar to open auctions, but they are limited to a select group of advertisers who have been invited by the publisher to participate. Private auctions are ideal for advertisers who want to reach a specific audience and are willing to pay a premium price for the ad impression. Private auctions are also beneficial for publishers as they can control who has access to their ad inventory and sell it to a select group of advertisers who are willing to pay more.

  1. Preferred Deals

Preferred deals are pre-negotiated deals between the publisher and the advertiser. In this type of programmatic deal, the advertiser agrees to purchase a specific amount of ad inventory at a fixed price. Preferred deals are ideal for advertisers who want to reach a specific audience and have a fixed budget. Preferred deals are also beneficial for publishers as they can sell their ad inventory at a fixed price, ensuring a steady stream of revenue.

  1. Programmatic Guaranteed

Programmatic guaranteed is a type of programmatic deal that guarantees a certain number of impressions for a fixed price. This type of programmatic deal is ideal for advertisers who want to reach a specific audience and have a fixed budget. Programmatic guaranteed is also beneficial for publishers as they can sell their ad inventory at a fixed price and guarantee a certain number of impressions, ensuring a steady stream of revenue.

  1. Real-Time Guaranteed

Real-time guaranteed is a type of programmatic deal that guarantees a certain number of impressions at a fixed price in real-time. This type of programmatic deal is ideal for advertisers who want to reach a specific audience and have a fixed budget, but also want to ensure that their ads are displayed in real-time. Real-time guaranteed is also beneficial for publishers as they can sell their ad inventory at a fixed price and guarantee a certain number of impressions in real-time, ensuring a steady stream of revenue.

  1. Programmatic Direct

Programmatic direct is a type of programmatic deal that allows advertisers to purchase ad inventory directly from the publisher, without the use of an intermediary. Programmatic direct is ideal for advertisers who want to negotiate a custom deal with the publisher and have full control over their ad inventory. Programmatic direct is also beneficial for publishers as they can sell their ad inventory at a premium price and have more control over who has access to it.

  1. Automated Guaranteed

Automated guaranteed is a type of programmatic deal that automates the process of buying and selling guaranteed inventory. Automated guaranteed is ideal for advertisers who want to reach a specific audience and have a fixed budget, but also want to automate the process of buying ad inventory. Automated guaranteed is also beneficial for publishers as they can sell their ad inventory at a fixed price and guarantee a certain number of impressions, ensuring a steady stream of revenue, while also automating the process of selling their inventory.

  1. Private Marketplace

A private marketplace is a type of programmatic deal that is exclusive to a select group of advertisers who have been invited by the publisher to participate. Private marketplaces are ideal for advertisers who want to reach a specific audience and have access to premium ad inventory. Private marketplaces are also beneficial for publishers as they can sell their premium ad inventory to a select group of advertisers who are willing to pay more.

Benefits of Programmatic Deals in Ad Manager

  1. Efficiency

Programmatic deals in Ad Manager offer a more efficient way of buying and selling advertising inventory. The use of automated processes and algorithms reduces the time and effort required for manual negotiations and transactions, allowing advertisers and publishers to focus on other aspects of their advertising campaigns.

  1. Transparency

Programmatic deals in Ad Manager offer greater transparency in the buying and selling process. Advertisers and publishers can access real-time data on bidding, pricing, and ad performance, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize their advertising campaigns.

  1. Targeting

Programmatic deals in Ad Manager offer advanced targeting options that enable advertisers to reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, behavior, and location. This increases the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns and improves the user experience by displaying relevant ads to users.

  1. Control

Programmatic deals in Ad Manager offer greater control over the buying and selling process. Advertisers and publishers can set their own parameters for bidding, pricing, and ad inventory, allowing them to tailor their advertising campaigns to their specific needs and goals.

  1. Revenue

Programmatic deals in Ad Manager offer greater revenue potential for publishers. They can sell their ad inventory at a premium price to a select group of advertisers or guarantee a certain number of impressions for a fixed price, ensuring a steady stream of revenue.


Programmatic advertising is revolutionizing the way advertisers and publishers buy and sell advertising inventory. Ad Manager offers a range of programmatic deals that cater to the needs and goals of advertisers and publishers. Whether you are looking to reach a specific audience, optimize your advertising campaigns, or maximize your revenue, Ad Manager's programmatic deals provide a range of options to help you achieve your objectives. By embracing programmatic advertising, you can improve the efficiency, transparency, targeting, control, and revenue potential of your advertising campaigns.

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